November 19, 2007

The first snow

We have had our first snow today. It wasn't much and is already gone, but it is my signal that I need to get out the big jackets. I love the first snow (even if it only makes mud). It is the sign that winter is here and it is time to snuggle down and watch the winter go by. Time for hot chocolate with marshmallows (the kids favorite). I love the way our valley looks all white and the trees all covered in white. And Christmas is coming which is exciting. Especially this year because we are heading to California for the first time since we moved here. Yeah. I know that by the time we get there I will be looking forward the the sun and warm weather!! What I am really looking forward to is seeing all our family and friends. Yeah!!


Jeff said...

First snow, que divertido!! Mom has been telling me about the witch doctor you are seeing. I'm thinking about checking him out next time I'm up yonder for my hay fever. What can he do for baldness? Haha, just kidding. Hope all is well and you got my check for the popcorn (and it cleared :P). Talk to you later big sis.

ps- How does this thing know my name and email address? I don't remember registering an account.

Anonymous said...

Hello dear Bradshaw family,
Finally, I was able to check your website. I finished school last Monday and I am trying to catch up. It must be beautiful to see the snow. I wish to be there with your beautiful description. We are going to Yosemite on 12/27 and It is the only place I have experienced the snow and I loved it.
I am glad Justin received treatment for pneumonia and I am not surprise about asthma diagnosis. I had asthma until I was 18 years old and I got better due to immunizations for allergies. The problem is that there is no immunization for weather changes. I will be looking forward to see you in California. Call me: 805-658-6559 or my cell:805-290-5819.

See you soon,

Claudia and family

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.