November 8, 2007

Justin gets pneumonia

Justin has pneumonia! Can you believe it? Joshua got a cold on Thursday and then of course Justin got it on Saturday, while I was at work. Then I worked Sunday so I didn't see him until 8pm. When I got home Justin seemed OK, but Mark said he had a fever that day. So off he went to bed. So when I go to check on him, his breathing was awful. His rate was high and I could tell that he was having a really hard time. So out comes the inhaler (which I kept from our asthma days). That helped a little, but not enough. So Justin and I head off to the ER. On the way there, of course he was getting better. He was sitting up and breathing better. So then I was thinking do I really need to take him?? But, we went. And it turns out he has pneumonia. I am glad we went and started the medications he needs because his Star Wars birthday party is this Sat. We have had a quite week at home with the boys coughing everywhere and me cleaning! We are having the whole wolf pack and some extra friends over on Sat. Justin is really looking forward to it. It should be a fun time. We are checking up with Justins doctor tomorrow to make sure he is better. That is it here. Hope all is well with you. Michelle :)
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