November 2, 2007

Oct 2007

Hi! Sorry it has been so long since my last update. We have been very busy as always. It was 44 degrees out on the day that we got our pumpkins!! Very cold. When it drops past 50 I start getting really cold. 50's are cold, but manageable! The pumpkin picking was a cub scout activity, so we had lots of friends there. Josh and Justin got to dress up on Halloween as Anakin Skiwalker and Superman. They each loved their costumes. We went to the church harvest festival and had a great time. There was lots to do, and candy to win!! Justin has been doing great at riding lessons. He is not afraid to get on and ride, even after his fall. I am very proud. His other favorite activity is face painting. Every other day he wants to paint his face. It is always fun to see what he comes up with. Josh's favorite thing right now is music class. He is learning so much in class. They even are learning to play the piano. The class goes by so fast I haven't had any time to take a picture. I will try to remember to do that.
So the Christmas plan is for the boys and I to get to California on 12/19 and leave 1/9. Mark can't stay that long, so he will be there on the 21st and leave the 5th. We hope to see everyone while we are there!!

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