November 19, 2007

It wasn't pneumonia

Well it turns out that Justin didn't have pneumonia. He had a really bad asthma attack. I thought we were done with asthma. You know how you always hear "he will grow out of it!" Well, I thought that had happened, but it has not!! Oh well. So he is on a medication for one month that has been helping. And everything he got for the pneumonia treatment works for the asthma too, except the antibiotics, which he didn't need. So we continue down the asthma road and now I know it is not over! :)

1 comment:

Mark, Jessica, Jakob, Sarah, Lily and Kona said...

I'm sorry to hear about the asthma, but we are in the same boat as you know! Jakob has been doing well with keeping any real bad asthma attacks away - he takes singulair and now Flovent in the Winter.
Anyhow, we will think healthy thoughts for you!