October 6, 2007

Horse Fun / Fall is here

Well, I had a good heart stopping scare this week. Justin fell off the horse at riding lessons on Weds. Oh my gosh is that hard for a mom to watch!! So the story is that Justin and Spats were lopping down one side of the wall when Spats saw something he did not like. So he jumps sideways and gets a little crazy, but Justin stayed on. That was the first time my heart stopped! Then they are ridding around and everything is fine, until the second time around when Spats again sees this terrible thing (in his mind anyway!) and this time he really decides to get crazy. Justin almost held on until the saddle horn hit him in the stomach. That is when he went down. Spats gave him a look like what are you doing on the ground. You were suppose to hang on like last time. It was really cute, because you could tell that Spats was upset that Justin was on the ground. Anyway, Justin got up and back on. He loves horse back ridding, I tell you he has his Grandfathers blood in him! He thinks it is cool that it is his first fall off. Kids!! Josh didn't even know what was going on, to busy playing in the dirt!!
So today the MEN are outside burning an old tree. That is what we do here in Idaho, we burn stuff, just to keep the air smokey!! It has been cloudy and cold for days now. Falls is here!! The leaves are changing and beautiful. The MEN also love the ATT (that is what Josh calls our ATV). They are off for a ride around the area to sell popcorn. Justin is selling for the Cub Scouts and has already reached his goal of selling $1050. Now he gets a bow and arrow as a prize. (just in case you didn't know that is also a heart stopper for a mom! Justin with a bow and arrow!) Thank you all who ordered from CA. He is now trying to sell the most popcorn of the pack. We will see. Well have a great weekend!
Michelle :)

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi love the pictures! I hope all is well there! How did horseback riding go today? How is music for Josh going?
love grandma