September 13, 2007

Learing the Blog world/ Josh and Shadow

Hi all - I have been working on the blog today, trying to figure out how everything works. I am sure I don't have it all yet, but it is fun to try. I hate to say that I don't know much about computers (don't tell Mark - ha, ha, ha). So I am trying out my second post. I want to include some more about Josh. He is a real cutie! He is a very happy 3 year old, people I don't even know come up to say that to me. Of course he has his moments. Just today he threw a tantrum because Justin had something he wanted. So there are a lot of ups and downs, as with all 3 year old. He is still taking naps, which I love!!! He likes to sleep. Most days I still have to wake him up from the nap. Not today, I just now hear him running down the stairs. The best thing (well as his mom I think there are a lot of "best" things) about Josh is the way he dresses!! Yesterday he picked out camouflage shorts, a white shirt with strips, and cowboy boots. And most of the time he has some kind of colorful socks on too. Thank you Grandma Judy, he loves the socks you get him!! Today it was his horse socks with red shorts and blue shirt. I have included a picture of Shadow our 1 year black lab for those of you who have not seen him. He is a handful, loves to chew on everything, but we love him. Shadow had a great time camping with us this year. I hear that in about 1 more year he will stop the chewing and puppy stuff, so that will be great!!
Hope all is good with you!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, thanks for the pink button. I'm not sure what my ID is so I will choose "other".
Three year olds are fun. Claudia just cracks me up all the time.
She is more mature than the other kids were at 3......she has role models. She went out and yelled at the dog to quit barking "Boston Wormely, you stop and get into this house right now!". She is going to preschool on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Sandy