September 17, 2007

Cub Scouts

Hi there - I am sorry I forgot my camera last night. Justin was so cute at his cub scout den meeting. He is the Dener, which is someone who gets to help out the den leader. He gets to wear yellow cords on his left shoulder. He is very proud to be the first dener of the year and takes all his jobs seriously (most of the time) :0). He had to vacuum last night, and was running over the other boys! Josh loves to pretend he is a cub scout too. Any shirt that has a picture that even looks like a badge, he wears and says he is in the cub scouts too. Which is fine, he goes to almost all the activities too.

We are getting ready for the start of INCH, which is our homeschool co-op. It is on Mondays, so next week is our first full day. Justin is taking Beginning Spanish, Madison English, Manners Please, and Paper bag Crafts. He should have a great time and it will supplement what we are doing at home. Josh will be in the Nursery. He gets a lot of playtime with 13 other kids. We have about 168 kids in the co-op, so it is like a small school. They even serve hot lunch. I am teaching two classes, so I must go get ready!!

Hope all is well!
Michelle and family

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