September 12, 2007

First Blog/Fmaily Update

Hi Family and Friends! I got the idea of posting a blog from my friend Jess (thanks Jess!). I am always trying to send pictures and update family and friends about what is going on up here in Northern Idaho, but time goes by so fast each day. So I can update everyone at once. All you have to do is check the blog every so often to see the new pictures and hear about the boys life. So, we will give it a try and see how it goes. Of course I have no idea how to use this, but I will learn as I go. Maybe Mark will help! He is the computer guy after all!

As far as the family update, we had a great summer. We had lots of visitors and spent most of our time outside! We love the lake and river and Wild Waters! We got summer passes with some friends. The boys love the water. We went camping at Farrget State Park with the Cub Scouts. Josh's first camping trip. He wants to know when we will go again! Now that it is Sept. we have started homeschool. Justin wasn't to happy that we started, until he actually got started. Now he loves it. Today we made a balloon model of the solar system. We had the great idea to attach it to the fan, so the "planets" rotate around the sun. Lots of fun. Two days ago we were looking at how other cultures do hair, makeup ect. Justin "put on war paint" with my makeup. It was so cute!

Josh is full of fun too. He loves to be outside, ride his bike and play, play, play! He is growing up so fast. He loves to do everything his brother does.

Well, that is it for now. I hope you enjoy the pictures and updates.

Michelle :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Bradshaws including shadow!
I love the new pictures. Have you seen the harvest moon yet? I heard it would be out this week. Check it out! It is warm in Calif. up to 80's again this week. cooling next week. Grandma is off to visit Sandy and Dennis Sat. Tell Justin to have fun at riding lesson and you and Josh have fun at music class. take pictures there too.
love Grandma A