September 25, 2007

Pack Meeting

Hi all - We had our first Cub Scout pack meeting of the year. The theme is Trains this month, so we had some train skits, songs, and games. The kids had a great time. Sat. we are off on a field trip to Ione, ID for a train ride. There is a staged robbery, and we stop on a very tall bridge. We have never been to Ione, so it should be fun. Josh started Music in Me last night. Just he and I go for 1/2 hr. to sing songs, play the piano, and dance. He really loved it. His face had a smile the whole time, and he loves to dance. That about sums up or week. Hope you are well!

Michelle :)

September 17, 2007

Cub Scouts

Hi there - I am sorry I forgot my camera last night. Justin was so cute at his cub scout den meeting. He is the Dener, which is someone who gets to help out the den leader. He gets to wear yellow cords on his left shoulder. He is very proud to be the first dener of the year and takes all his jobs seriously (most of the time) :0). He had to vacuum last night, and was running over the other boys! Josh loves to pretend he is a cub scout too. Any shirt that has a picture that even looks like a badge, he wears and says he is in the cub scouts too. Which is fine, he goes to almost all the activities too.

We are getting ready for the start of INCH, which is our homeschool co-op. It is on Mondays, so next week is our first full day. Justin is taking Beginning Spanish, Madison English, Manners Please, and Paper bag Crafts. He should have a great time and it will supplement what we are doing at home. Josh will be in the Nursery. He gets a lot of playtime with 13 other kids. We have about 168 kids in the co-op, so it is like a small school. They even serve hot lunch. I am teaching two classes, so I must go get ready!!

Hope all is well!
Michelle and family

September 13, 2007

Learing the Blog world/ Josh and Shadow

Hi all - I have been working on the blog today, trying to figure out how everything works. I am sure I don't have it all yet, but it is fun to try. I hate to say that I don't know much about computers (don't tell Mark - ha, ha, ha). So I am trying out my second post. I want to include some more about Josh. He is a real cutie! He is a very happy 3 year old, people I don't even know come up to say that to me. Of course he has his moments. Just today he threw a tantrum because Justin had something he wanted. So there are a lot of ups and downs, as with all 3 year old. He is still taking naps, which I love!!! He likes to sleep. Most days I still have to wake him up from the nap. Not today, I just now hear him running down the stairs. The best thing (well as his mom I think there are a lot of "best" things) about Josh is the way he dresses!! Yesterday he picked out camouflage shorts, a white shirt with strips, and cowboy boots. And most of the time he has some kind of colorful socks on too. Thank you Grandma Judy, he loves the socks you get him!! Today it was his horse socks with red shorts and blue shirt. I have included a picture of Shadow our 1 year black lab for those of you who have not seen him. He is a handful, loves to chew on everything, but we love him. Shadow had a great time camping with us this year. I hear that in about 1 more year he will stop the chewing and puppy stuff, so that will be great!!
Hope all is good with you!!

September 12, 2007

First Blog/Fmaily Update

Hi Family and Friends! I got the idea of posting a blog from my friend Jess (thanks Jess!). I am always trying to send pictures and update family and friends about what is going on up here in Northern Idaho, but time goes by so fast each day. So I can update everyone at once. All you have to do is check the blog every so often to see the new pictures and hear about the boys life. So, we will give it a try and see how it goes. Of course I have no idea how to use this, but I will learn as I go. Maybe Mark will help! He is the computer guy after all!

As far as the family update, we had a great summer. We had lots of visitors and spent most of our time outside! We love the lake and river and Wild Waters! We got summer passes with some friends. The boys love the water. We went camping at Farrget State Park with the Cub Scouts. Josh's first camping trip. He wants to know when we will go again! Now that it is Sept. we have started homeschool. Justin wasn't to happy that we started, until he actually got started. Now he loves it. Today we made a balloon model of the solar system. We had the great idea to attach it to the fan, so the "planets" rotate around the sun. Lots of fun. Two days ago we were looking at how other cultures do hair, makeup ect. Justin "put on war paint" with my makeup. It was so cute!

Josh is full of fun too. He loves to be outside, ride his bike and play, play, play! He is growing up so fast. He loves to do everything his brother does.

Well, that is it for now. I hope you enjoy the pictures and updates.

Michelle :)